Intelecy News

News from Intelecy


We are happy to announce Glencore Nikkelverket as an Intelecy customer!

Now you can try Intelecy without a subscription!

This week we launched a demonstration application that gives the possibility to test...

Intelecy in the final of Norway's smartest industrial company

Intelecy in the final selection for "Spesialprisen" in the award of Norway's smartest...

Bringing AI into every factory

Are you interested in learning how AI can provide tangible business value in the process...

Announcement of new Chairman of the Board

We are happy to announce that Jon Øyvind Eriksen has been appointed new Chairman of the...

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Conference 2021

During the last years we have seen the hype around Artificial Intelligence and Machine...

Sustainable food production through inline sensors and AI analytics

Food processes are extremely complex and challenging to measure due to the inherently...

Sustainable food production through inline sensors and AI analytics

Optimal use of raw materials. Food processing is an extremely complex and challenging...

Sustainable food production through inline sensors and AI analytics

Food processes are extremely complex and challenging to measure due to the inherently...

First place in Kaggle competition

The prestigious Kaggle competition to advance the state of the art in indoor positioning...

Trusted solution of green and sustainable production

Using machine learning to cut industry emissions

SINTEF Norlab offers Intelecy to its customers

SINTEF Norlab is Norway's largest Norwegian-owned laboratory company. They are...